yeah i know
It must be getting old, but damn you do good work. suddenly I'm a pretty big fan
except.. how does he stand?
yeah i know
It must be getting old, but damn you do good work. suddenly I'm a pretty big fan
except.. how does he stand?
He stands by sheer force of will I believe. Maybe you could word that better, so I can give a better answer? Thanks for the praise!
I though this was a photograph until I looked closer!
Thanks, well I copied it from a photograph and tried to put as much detail as I could
somewhat messy
was this done with crayon?
Yes. This is what oil pastel looks like. It is a lot harder than people think it is to draw with them.
Another great original peice
I really like your art! are these scanned or made using a computer program (photoshop...)? they look very realistic
This peice was done with traditional media, I sketched it in pencil and went over it with a Sakura Micron pen. Line errors and color detection from my scanner are fixed in Photoshop. A multiply layer doesn't hurt either.
Great imagination!
I love how far out the idea is, but how its also executed very well. Did you get any inspiration from futurama??
Inspiration mostly from genji, sony 2006 E3 press conference, and Japanese defense installations. I watch Futurama, but don't quite see the connection.
Joined on 4/5/09